Kyle Buller is the co-founder of Psychedelics Today: an educational media platform and weekly podcast that explores the science and culture of the emerging psychedelic field. At the age of sixteen, Kyle suffered a near-death experience which profoundly catalyzed his path of healing and self-discovery. Kyle has a B.A. in Transpersonal Psychology, and an M.S. in Clinical Mental Health Counseling with an emphasis in somatic psychology. Kyle has extensively studied the healing potential of non-ordinary states of consciousness, shamanism, Reiki, local medicinal plants and plant medicine, Holotropic Breathwork and Transpersonal Breathwork.

You can learn more about Kyle’s work at and 


Topics Explored: 

> Kyle’s near death experience at 16 years old, how that has shaped his life since

> Existential questions of life, connecting with ourselves, the human experience

> Non-ordinary states of consciousness

> Intuition, cultivating a relationship with our inner intelligence, the intelligence of the body

> Kyle’s organization Psychedelics today and the motivation behind founding it

> Kyle’s first psilocybin experience: “I sat on this rock thinking: this is where I’m going to die.”

> Is DMT released during near-death experiences? Does DMT feel similar to dying?

> Is it possible to consciously change our internal states through the manipulation of our breathing?  Can simply changing our breath-pattern send us into altered states of consciousness?

> Science/research on the medicinal and ceremonial use of psychedelic substances

> The ceremonial and ritual use of psychedelic substances throughout history, how it’s shaped our culture

> Drug policy, marginalizing populations within society

> Understanding the power of psychedelic substances, developing frameworks for this understanding, reconnecting to our traditional roots

> Research: Johns Hopkins, UCLA – psilocybin near death anxiety research; Maryland Psychiatric Institute – Bill Richards, Stan Groff; MAPS; MDMA in the Therapeutic contexts? FDA: Phase 3 clinical trials

> Do we fully understand the power of these substances? Do we have proper structures in place to support it?

> Self-care, harm-reduction, integration

> ‘Spiritual emergence’

> Showing up for your life’s work 


Show Resources:

Book: Snowboarding to Nirvana – Frederick Lenz
Book: DMT: The Spirit Molecule: A Doctor’s Revolutionary Research into the Biology of Near-Death and Mystical Experiences – Rick Strassman, M.D.
Book: How To Change Your Mind – Michael Pollan
Book: Holotropic Breathwork– Stanislav Grof
Book: Spiritual Emergency: When Personal Transformation Becomes a Crisis – Stanislav Grof
Lenny and Elizabeth Gibson of Dreamshadow Transpersonal Breathwork: Kyle’s breathwork teachers
Ananda Mandala Breathwork Meditation on Youtube Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies
Psychedelics Today: Online Educational Portal
Psychedelic Information Database:
Podcast: Psychedelics Today


Offering – If you’re looking to take your psychedelic education to the next level, click the link below for Psychedelics Today’s online course, Navigating Psychedelics: Lessons on Self-Care & Integration. This course provides you with an overview of psychedelic safety, preparation, harm reduction, how to navigate the psychedelic space, and the importance of self-care and integration. You will get access to 12+ masterclasses with experts in the field and a digital download of the Trip Journal and Integration Workbook. 

Use the coupon code – THOUGHTROOMPOD for 15% off!  


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The Thought Room is offered freely and funded entirely by listener support.

All interviews are done in-person for better chemistry, more intimacy, and more powerful storytelling. Donations to this podcast support travel expenses and pay for the fees of our podcast hosting platform. 


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Special thanks to Emmy-Award winning composer Kodomo (Chris Child) for allowing us to use his brilliant track Concept 1 as our theme song. 

This episode was funded entirely by the listener support of Robert B.
Thanks for your generosity, Robert!

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